BHEL Matriculation Higher Secondary School was established under the auspices of YWCA (Young Women’s Christian Association) in the year 1971. The school was upgraded to a Matriculation School in June 1982 and later to a Higher Secondary School in June 1990. Thereafter it was managed by BHEL (Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited) from 1996 to 2011 and Neelaveni Thayaramaal Memorial Trust took over the management from 2011 to 2021. The institution celebrated 25 years in 2011.
From 2022, the school is under the management of D.A.V. Group of Schools, Chennai.
D.A.V. Group of Schools, Chennai (under the aegis of the Tamil Nadu Arya Samaj Educational Society) has been serving society by providing affordable high-quality education rooted in Vedic values, while remaining relevant to the times. It was founded in 1970 at Gopalapuram, Chennai.
Location – BHEL Trichy Township, Kailasapuram, Thiruverumbur, Tamil Nadu 620 014
Empower learners to gain competency across the spiritual, intellectual and physical aspects of life by consistently delivering high quality, affordable and value-based education based on Vedic principles.
At DAV Chennai, we strive to empower our children with 21st century skills by focusing on the four Cs – Communication, Collaboration, Creativity and Critical thinking while also enabling their physical and mental wellness.
Known for our academic rigor, we are deeply conscious about ensuring that our children imbibe Vedic values, develop a sense of compassion, service-orientation and grow up as ardent patriots.
We envision our children evolve into empowered individuals who can contribute to the world as leaders, overcome the challenges of life through spiritual strength and guide themselves, their families and societies to peace and happiness.
S M Ramanathan
S M Ramanathan
Our school has built a reputation for quality education and discipline. This is due to our talented teachers whose diligent efforts and contribution continues to transform students into achievers, thereby contributing to the vision of the school.
Today, the institution stands as the force behind creating countless world-class professionals. The school has truly fulfilled the dreams of every student and carried bright luminaries all over the world. Hence, I encourage students joining us to fully utilise this opportunity and strive towards leaving a remarkable imprint in the society in their interested fields.
I call upon students to dream big, bring your vision to fruition by executing it with passion, hard work and discipline so that you remain happy and contended forever. Education is the only mission to reset the standard of society and we believe our students will set an example as successful citizens contributing to our society and nation at large.
Education is a mission to greatly impact the young minds in the right direction. At DAV, we take pride in the ancient gurukul system आचार्य देवो भवः, and are truly blessed to have the best of teachers.
Students are taught that ‘Gyan Pravaha’ which means ‘sharing of knowledge’ is the key component to success as they learn best when they teach, and in turn commit socially to live what they teach.
My message to the student community is to dream big, bring your vision to fruition by executing it with passion, hard work and discipline so that you remain happy and contented forever.
Seshadri Gopalan
MSc., B.Ed., M.C.A.,
Every child is a special individual who needs a happy, secure and challenging environment to grow. A child’s natural curiosity to explore his/ her world gives teachers the basis to build learning experiences that will provide a solid foundation especially for the early years of their schooling.
Students are encouraged to have significant input into, and responsibility for, their learning. Every student, parent and teacher contribute toward students’ individual learning plans with student achievement being goal focused.
As a caring community school, we provide an environment that nurtures a friendly, caring and familial atmosphere through sound academics, self-discipline and self-worth, respect for others, co-operative learning and living skills thereby developing socially adept young citizens who are creative, resilient, independent and adaptable.
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